See AI Visual Search in action

Discover the fastest way to search Canto. Ever.

Supercharge asset discovery with visual search

Unmatched AI-powered search

AI Visual Search boosts productivity with AI-driven asset discovery. You can spend less time on tedious tagging and asset management work.

Maximize asset value

Extract more content value and skyrocket ROI through instant asset discovery and reuse across websites, platforms, and campaigns.

Unparalleled search accuracy

Free yourself from incomplete or inaccurate metadata limits. AI Visual Search discovers the most relevant media — no metadata required.

Conquer your expanding content library

Keep pace with the surge of generative AI content. AI Visual Search scales asset discovery without relying solely on metadata.

Accelerate delivery with instant asset discovery

Boost team efficiency with instant access to the most relevant media. AI Visual Search accelerates asset velocity to meet market demand.

Get fresh inspiration

Enhance team collaboration and inspire creativity. AI Visual Search powers up teams with visually-related assets for amazing outcomes.

Easily search assets

AI Visual Search is simple to use. Use natural language to find what you are looking for. No more complex search terms. No learning curve.


Canto customers love our impact

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AI Visual Search has been a game changer for our content team! From day 1 we have had great success finding new content we didn't even know we had in our Canto library. I have repeatedly heard ‘I didn't know we had this footage!’ which is exactly what I was hoping would happen. AI Visual Search solves the issues with finding content that I hoped it would.

Eat'n Park Hospitality Group

The use of AI Visual Search so far has really brought life back into assets that we haven’t used in forever or that we knew even existed... it feels like at least a couple times a week that someone says ‘Oh, we haven’t seen this!' and it’s really fun to find those assets. I know a lot of our executives are really pleased.

We’re award winners and an industry leader

trophy collection of Canto's awards 1

See Canto AI Visual Search in action

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