The easiest ways to convert from JPG to PSD image files
May 11, 2020
The JPG is one of the easiest-to-use, popular image formats available. The PSD is a little more complicated and lesser-used. Chances are, these two different image types will eventually overlap. When the time comes for you to convert the JPG to PSD, make sure you understand the different available methods. Here’s a guide to fully prepare you.
What is the JPG image file?
The JPG image file is essentially a clone of the JPEG. They are 100% interchangeable, making the JPG also the official file extension for the Joint Photographic Experts Group. The JPG is a highly accessible image format, as it is easy for users to open it with different systems. Finally, it’s a lossy compression file type, meaning it experiences at least some amount of quality loss as it reduces in size.
What is the PSD image file?
The PSD image file is the official file format used for projects saved using the Adobe Photoshop system. PSD (PhotoShop Document) is capable of holding numerous images within a single project. It is an extremely edit-friendly image type, due to the fact that Photoshop was designed with graphics users in mind.

What are some of the main reasons to make this conversion?
Let’s begin with the JPG side of things. For starters, the JPG is fairly limited in terms of functionality. Note that this is different from accessibility, which is how easy the file is for many different users to open. Functionality, however, is a measurement of all the different ways in which a user can manipulate a file. So, it stands to reason that there are going to be users who prefer their image in a different format so they can do more with it. This is where the PSD comes in handy.
The PSD is one of the most sophisticated editing files, especially helpful for graphic designers who need extensive features. Compared to JPG in particular, there are huge editing and features advantages to consider. When you also take into account the fact that most advanced designers are well-versed in Adobe Photoshop, the reason to convert from JPG to PSD becomes a lot clearer. With this in mind, let’s take a look at how to convert.

How to convert from JPG to PSD
Now that we have some good reasons on why this conversion makes so much sense, here’s how to do it. First, recognize that if you have access to Adobe products, this process is so much easier. We’ll go over what you need to do if you don’t have Adobe software, but first let’s give the most direct conversion approach. Keep in mind that this isn’t necessarily a conversion as much as it’s simply importing a file and then saving it as a different file format. To start, launch Photoshop and import the JPG file you wish to convert. Now, simply save your project and the original image will now be in PSD format.
The next conversion method is needed if you don’t have access to Adobe Photoshop. First, make sure you have enough hard drive space to download a few PSD files. They won’t be much bigger than the JPG. You’ll now simply use a browser-based conversion system to switch files over. I recommend Convertio, a longtime conversion tool with fast speeds and simple functions. All it requires is a web browser so that you can upload and download the file to and from the Convertio system.
Most users find the JPG to be sufficient in most image format projects. The most overlooked issue, however, is that their fellow team members might not share the same views. This is why it’s always a plus to know how to convert, just in case.