Employee Spotlight: Celebrating 20 years with Robert Welch!
August 21, 2019
As the Canto family grows, we are always looking for ways to show appreciation for our awesome team (and maybe show off a little). That’s why we’re kicking off a blog series to spotlight some of the great people on our team who continually inspire us.
For our first employee spotlight, we want to highlight a Cantonian who’s been here from the start: our fulfillment manager Robert Welch!
Robert joined Canto two decades ago as a trade show coordinator, but has since taken on a variety of roles and gotten to know the company inside out. He’s the first face you see when you walk into our San Francisco HQ, and keeps the office running smoothly even as we grow at breakneck speed.
What do you do here at Canto?
I do things that are not directly sales, tech support or business management. This includes some basic accounting (such as order processing, collection calls, depositing checks), phone operator, liaison for HR and building management, safety coordinator, ordering office supplies, and more.
What is a fact that few people know about you?
I skipped third grade.
What was your first job?
It was either busing tables at a small restaurant or delivering morning newspapers, maybe both at the same time.
What was your first impression of Canto and how has it changed since you first started?
When I joined, Canto was larger and more international than my previous job. I wasn’t sure what the culture would be like (but I guess I fit in well enough, given how long I’ve been around). Canto’s products were constantly evolving to meet the customers’ needs, from small (single user and network) on-premises DAM solutions to larger enterprise level products, including cloud solutions; today’s Canto product seems to be the right thing at the right time, as evidenced by its explosive growth over the past few years.
Any advice for new hires?
You’re joining Canto at an exciting time; give your best and help us become exceptional!
If you could have dinner with anyone in the world (dead or alive) who would you choose and why?
Katharine Hepburn. She was a bold headstrong woman who seemed to live life to the fullest.