Improve workflow: Prepare your marketing team for economic uncertainty
September 9, 2022
When the pandemic struck, it hit hard. Organizations were suddenly forced to cope with a new threat that their inefficient processes were not equipped to manage. The need to limit human contact and the fluctuation of market demand created challenges in workplaces. It forced marketing teams to rethink how they were going to keep producing results and required them to improve workflows.
How workflows were impacted
With no warning in sight, the most daunting task for marketing teams was keeping ahead of the economic uncertainty. As budgets tightened, resources dwindled, and it became harder to produce new digital assets. This forced teams to get creative by improving workflows and processes for both their marketing and content operations.
Inefficient processes come to light
The pandemic exposed how several aspects of workflows had been slowing marketing teams down over the years. This included gray areas for what each person is responsible for, digital assets being stored in the wrong places, or even confusion on how to get certain tasks done.
Some of these issues may have been known and ignored in the past, while others were simply overlooked or taken for granted. Either way, rearranging operations during the pandemic forced teams to tackle those inefficiencies head on.
Existing assets get another turn
In the world of digital media, reusing assets from time to time isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
During the pandemic, creating new assets wasn’t always a viable option. Fewer team members, smaller content budgets, and the inability to visit most indoor places pushed companies to use assets they already had.
Marketing teams had to learn how to utilize past photos, videos, interviews, blog posts, or other content and find fresh, new ways to give the existing digital assets a whole new life.
Asset management is reimagined
As employees transitioned to working from home, it became clear that it was difficult to manage and distribute assets in a remote environment. With team members working in independent locations, marketing teams needed to rethink how they organized their assets. They recognized that they needed to make their assets easy to share and accessible from everywhere.
The simplest solution to this problem was to use a digital asset management (DAM) platform like Canto. Centralizing the storage and management of assets created improved workflows without creating additional security risks since asset and user permissions were able to be set and monitored using a DAM.
Scalable software proves invaluable
As marketing teams got on board with scalable content software like Canto, they quickly realized just how valuable they could be in a time of uncertainty. Transitioning to this software proved to be a breeze for teams to either scale content production or wind it down when necessary.
With demand fluctuations throughout the pandemic, making the switch to scalable services allowed marketing teams to adapt to the new pace dynamically. These platforms also allowed teams to maintain a consistent level of productivity, regardless of their size.
With so many people changing jobs during the pandemic, the ability to fill in the workforce gap with scalable technology proved especially valuable.
How to create a more certain future
As the COVID-19 pandemic slowly becomes easier to manage in the workplace, marketing teams are continuing to transition to a new normal way of life. In-person interactions have become less risky, allowing creative teams to safely come together to create new digital assets, such as photos and videos.
Even so, many of the changes organizations made during the pandemic have endured, thanks to their ability to combat other forms of uncertainty.
Invest in remote tools and processes
The most obvious change that can be seen across almost every company is the adjustment to working remotely since many organizations once lacked the tools to enable remote work. The lack of remote tools made it difficult to maintain productivity and adapt to coordinating with internal departments and external vendors.
Upgrades to processes and technology during the pandemic have made it easier for teams to work in a distributed environment. Thanks to improved collaboration, marketers are empowered to keep workflows moving, no matter the situation.
In the event of an economic downturn, for instance, marketing teams that invested in software like DAM platforms now have the tools in place to adapt to many different ways of working. They can easily incorporate outsourced content into their workflows without having to rethink their core processes.
The versatility of marketing technology can also help smaller teams match the productivity of pre-pandemic departments that were bogged down by inefficient processes and technology.
Gain visibility through automation
Organizations also have better visibility into content creation than ever before. While many tasks were still being performed manually prior to the pandemic, automation has helped them to map out the collaboration, review, and approval process.
Automated processes not only reduce human error and oversights but also allow teams to identify problems faster and eliminate ambiguity over what actions need to be taken. In uncertain times, having accurate information on hand is incredibly important for strategic planning.
Improve workflow with Canto
The pandemic forced many organizations to confront the inefficient processes and technology that were holding them back. Companies that invested their time and resources in improving digital team production through improved workflow are well-positioned to navigate periods of uncertainty and market disruption in the future.
Before, during, and after the pandemic, Canto has helped numerous organizations become more agile by empowering them to manage digital assets, increase collaboration, and improve distribution. Canto’s digital asset and brand management tools make it easy to scale content marketing efficiently, even during periods of disruption.
To learn more about how Canto can help your organization future-proof your marketing efforts against uncertainty, sign up for a demo today.