
Remove outdated content from circulation and keep it on hand to reference, repurpose, and reuse in the future.

With your entire back catalog at your fingertips, old content can serve a new purpose — giving content creators a head start and generating more value for your brand.

Approval status

Activate and deactivate content with a single click. Assets marked approved are available to everyone. Want to lock something down? Just mark it restricted. Now only users with the right permissions can see it.

Expiration dates

Have time-sensitive content in your library? Set it to expire automatically. Once the expiration date passes, the content is removed from circulation. Only users with the right permissions can access expired files.

Version history

Avoid mix-ups about which version is current. When you update an asset, it replaces the old version across your Canto library. Want to reference a previous version? They're all archived automatically in the asset’s version history.

Cold storage

Have content you don't plan to use in the future? Add cold storage to your Canto library. Assets in cold storage are still visible to administrators and contributors — and retrievable on request.


Canto customers love our impact

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Ultimate Sales

The versions feature in Canto is a game-changer. The old versions are still there in the version history if we need them, but the current one is always at the forefront.


Canto helps with version control and the ability to retire assets when they should no longer be used. I think it’s a great investment. We use it every day.

University of Hong Kong

Before Canto, it was difficult for us to find and reuse things. Now we have a go-to spot where the whole department has access to a central storage hub that contains multimedia files.

Insights from digital asset management experts

Repurpose your best content using digital asset management

Increase content ROI by repurposing and reusing great content from your archive. A digital asset management platform like Canto makes it easy.

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A 6-Step Guide to Scale Your Content Programs

Learn the steps to scale your content programs effectively. You’ll gain insight into creating a scalable toolkit, accelerating your content programs using AI, and using analytics to create more impactful content.

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With Canto, convenience store food broker Ultimate Sales puts collateral at sales reps’ fingertips

Sales reps at convenience store food broker Ultimate Sales never have to worry about sharing outdated price lists. In Canto, they always find only the latest ones.

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See how Canto makes it easy to take outdated content out of circulation — and save it to reference and repurpose when the time is right.