How to start a company blog in a few simple steps
May 12, 2020
If you haven’t noticed already, a blog is a great way to give information to potential customers without bothering them relentlessly. It instead acts as an informative, often-fun section of a company website that gives new ideas and solutions to different semi-related and fully-related topics. Starting a company blog is quite easy, especially if you have some key basics down. This guide will get you on the right path.
What are the main benefits to starting a blog?
The reason a company blog is so crucial is it brings in traffic from all different types of customers. You may find a certain, unlikely group of users are interested in your company after all. A lot of times this happens when readers are searching for a solution to a problem and they stumble upon one of your blog posts in a search engine.
Apart from bringing in new customers, a blog also helps build relationships with customers, creating lifelong bonds through powerful content. It also helps show your expertise and authority in important areas. This could end up being the difference in whether or not a future client decides to choose your company or a competitor.
With these benefits in mind, let’s get started with the key details to remember when creating a blog.
1. Get your different accounts situated
The bottom line is we won’t be able to create a blog without the right tools, accounts and platforms to publish on. There are a few different types of things we need. First, we’ll need to decide what type of platform you wish to use in order to create the blogs. These platforms are content management systems, or CMS, and give users an easy system to organize their material. The most commonly used platform is WordPress, but you don’t have to use it if it’s not for you.

Next, you need a domain name and a web-hosting service. The domain name should be specific to your company and content. Once you’ve purchased the domain name, you need to find a web-hosting service and register the domain name there. This gives you a space on the web where all your blogs will be published.
2. Determine the audience
You’ll generally have an idea of who your audience will be before beginning the blog. However, it’s important to hone in on them and get to the heart of who will stick around the longest. Also, you’ll want to figure out how to get the broadest audience within a certain target group. For example, if your target audience is 22-year-olds fresh out of college, you want to appeal to the most fresh out of college 22-year-olds you can.

Here are a couple more important things to keep in mind. First, when making a company blog, you’ll have an easier time determining the potential audience. Consider the products or services your company produces in order to find the ideal readers. Next, think about your specific expertise in certain areas and figure out the best ways this could attract a targeted group of readers.
3. Focus on your content
Once you have a clear understanding of what types of things you want to write about, put together some basic categories. If the blog will be about frogs, consider breaking it into categories such as the science of frogs, frog facts, etc. This provides focus for both the content writers and the readers. Once you have an organized set of sections, it’s time to craft some blog posts.

Creating the actual blog posts is a whole lot easier when each one fits nicely into specific sections. Begin by coming up with intriguing ideas within a specific niche. Then, begin the research phase. This should involve learning the basics of each topic, as well as coming up with ways your blog post will differentiate from the articles already written and published on the topic.
Keep in mind that once your blog is created, it’s up to you to keep it innovative and effective. There will be times when you hit a lull, maybe even right away. Continue processes that you know will work in order to overcome this and succeed.